Monday, 28 March 2011

Bit Patterns & The Binary Number System

To represent binary we use a to the power of 2 scale or measurment. So from 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 and doubles each time. We read it from right to left so the opposite to how i just wrote it, so 49 would be represented as 00110001.
To add Binary we can use the old primary school method of addition by putting one binary number above another and adding them that way which makes things easier. If a zero and zero are added then we put down a 0 and move on. If a one and zero are added the result is 1 and dont carry anything. If a one and one are added then the result is 1 and no carry, but if three ones are added then we put down 1 and carry a 1. 

Multiplying numbers, we change all the 1s to 0s from the original binary code then we add a 0 to the end of the code. Finally convert the binary to denary.
To subtract we have to use the two's complement method to convert the number we are subtracting into negative then add them like normal binary numbers.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Systems Life cycle

There are 5 main factors to the development of a system. These are Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and finally the evaluation.
Using this Structure it can significantly reduce the risk of the project failing, it losing money/funding or in bad situations the risk of human fatality.
A new system my be needed because new laws have been introduced or a new business opens.
There are a number topics that need to be addressed for each part of the life cycle.
In Analysis:
Is it feasible
Time needed
Skills needed

For Design:
Data inputs and outputs

Build the system
Data migration

Test Individual parts
Test as a whole
Test the people operating the system.

Finally the Evaluation:
Does it do what it was built for
Fix any problems
Add any new features to optimize it