Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Types of Software

Software breaks down into many sections but they start with 2 main ones - System software and Application software. System software is used to operate and run hardware where as Application software is used for non-computing tasks such as writing letters. System software then breaks up into operating systems, library programs, utility programs and translators. Operating systems make it easier to operate the hardware and hides most complexities of using a computer- Windows 7. Library programs use commonly used functions such as printing routines and network accessing routines. Utility programs do specific jobs such as virus scans and Translator software that translates high level languages into machine code that the computer can read.
Translators are split into three groups like application software, these are: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreters. Assemblers convert assembly code which is very basic into machine code that computers can read. Compilers covert high level language like java and pascal into machine code but is slow because it does it all at once. Finally Interpreters convert and execute high level language line by line into machine code. I is slow because it is being executed at the same time. Often you will get an Interpreter and a compiler.

Application software is split into 3 groups- General purpose,Special purpose and Bespoke software.
General purpose are applications with many uses such as spread sheets. Special purpose software such as accounting software which isn't commonly used. Finally Bespoke software which is built to specific purpose and is very expensive, these include airport traffic software and the London stock exchange software.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent summary - well done. One correction special purpose software is often quite common - it is just that it only does on thing (e.g a web browser is special purpose but is very common)
